4 months.
Lucy turned 4 months.....about a month ago. Oops.
That being said, she got her "monthly" stats back! If she continues at the rate she's growing, she will be picking on her brothers before we know it.
Weight: 16 lbs. (85%)
Height: 26 1/2" (97%)
Head Circum: 42 cm (68%)
10 Things we love about Lucy:
1. Her smile.
2. Her super cute pouty face.
3. The ongoing obsession she has with watching
her big brothers run circles around her.
4. Her mellow demeanor. She's calm, cool, and collected.
5. The way she lets mommy dress her....3 times a day.
6. The fact that she LOVES all her girly toys. (I thought this
was just a myth about girls and boys but it's seriously true. She
loves her dolls and anything sparkly or feminine.)
7. The way she flirts with anyone who looks her way.
8. Her chunky thighs and cheeks.
9. How she always manages to roll over or do a 90 degree turn
but only when I'm not looking.
10. She thinks her brothers are hilarious, even when they don't
realize she's watching them.
And one more....
11. Her famous nose-dives into her bottles or bowls of food.
Our Lulu bear.
Yo Gabba Gabba
Like many of you, this show haunts my dreams. I find myself singing their songs and dancing when I'm not paying attention. I curse you, Mr. Gabba Gabba...whoever you are.
That being said, we went to their Live Show. Again, I found myself dancing and singing more than my kids...and come to think of it, more than the kids that were sitting in front of us and behind us...hmm...
It was fun though. It was something new to experience with the kiddos. I love watching their expressions and the way their faces light up when they see hundreds of balloons hanging above their head (reference picture # 3). Will we go again? Not until they are a couple years older. At half time, we were doing more chasing than watching. That didn't stop me from buying $15 keychains though! (I was secretly justifying the four $50 tickets I bought)
In the picture above, my camera occasionally does this blur thing. In this case, it turned out kinda cool. It's a keeper for the non-photog type, like myself.
London just might go into shock at the sight of all the balloons over head. Wait for it....okay, he lived. Barely...
The happy family leaving just after halftime. But at least they have their keychains (reference London's belt buckle acting as a safe spot for Muno). The boys kept throwing them. Another jab at mommy's ego. :-)