Tuesday, September 8, 2009


First airplane ride. Need I say more than the title of this post?

We went to Oregon this weekend to spend the holiday with the Marriott's. The plane ride there went.....not so good. One baby screamed the first half, the second baby screamed the second half. Oh the joys of twins. We got to Oregon and had a blast! Thanks Molly and Dustin. On my birthday, Monday, Molly and I took Cash to the BEST fabric store I've ever been to. Plus, no tax....let's just say I was in heaven. The husbands took London to the coast. The day was awesome.....up until, DUN DUN DUN.... the flight home. HOLY SHIZ.

Let me give a little insight into how horrible Cash was (he was my passenger for the flight) At one point, Te heard two different comments. (he was 5 rows behind me, we couldn't sit together because not enough masks drop down)

First comment came from the lady next to Te:
Unknown Lady Passenger: "Wow, your child is an angel compared to that one."
Te: "actually, that one is mine too. They are twins."
Unknown Lady Passenger: "Well, I'm glad you got this one because I don't know what I would do if I was next to that one."

Second comment came from someone behind Te:
Another unknown Passenger: "That kid is screaming like a poltergeist."

Twins are great. But man, I understand now why people don't travel with kids. We will be driving from now on...


  1. I was on the plane a few weeks ago and another baby was crying non-stop and believe me, I wasn't worried about the baby, I was definitely thinking and feeling bad for the mother. I am so sorry...those stressful situations are NEVER fun! My sister gave me some good advice though, just remember, you will never see any of those people again so don't worry or stress too much! Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a blast with Molly1

  2. yikes...i'm sorry. this makes me nervous for our first plane ride at the end of the month...can't i just drug him with something? :)

  3. Nicole I love your blog. Your little boys are so adorable; you look great too! This post made me laugh so hard....... I wish I could have been there to see it! hahah

  4. Ha ha, that's too funny girl! Happy belated Birthday!

  5. I wish I could have been there with you to tell those people to shut their mouths cause if they had kids they would understand! You handled it great I'm sure. So I take it Mexico is out this year?!
